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Category Manager

The Category Manager can be accessed from within the Element Manager. Simply click the blue “Category Manager Button."

This will open the Category Manager modal. From here, you can add a new custom category or edit an existing category.

Adding a custom category:

Click the “Add new Category” button. This opens a window where you can enter the category name, assign it a color, and enable cast properties (Drop/Pickups, etc) for the new category. Simply click Done and your new category will appear at the BOTTOM of the category list.

Edit an existing category:

Hovering over the category will reveal a pencil icon - simply click on the category to edit it. From here you can rename the category or the change color.

NOTE: You are not able to edit the Built-In Scene information categories (e.g. Scene, INT/EXT, Set, Synopsis, etc.

Delete a custom category:

Right click on your custom categories to open the menu and click “Delete."

NOTE: You cannot delete the default categories, only rename or change the color.

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