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Collaboration & Crossboarding

How collaborating and crossboarding works in Cinapse.

Cinapse Scheduling’s revolutionary collaboration allows multiple AD team members to access and update the schedule simultaneously.

  • No more passing a file back and forth via email and having to wait to get it back to make updates.
  • No more having to track changes back through because you were using an old version of the file.
  • No more ghost elements and repetitive data entry to update elements from the other 1st AD’s shooting schedule.

A Cinapse schedule can contain:

  • multiple units
  • multiple episodes
  • multiple users

Whether working within the same board or different boards, 1st ADs & 2nd ADs can build schedules, customize individual layouts and color palettes, edit and add elements, and create reports.

Each user’s icon is displayed on the strip or breakdown element category they’re editing, so you always know where everyone is in the file.

When crossboarding multiple units, blocks or episodes, have both 1st ADs working on their own individual boards within the same file. Easily drag and drop strips from the other blocks, units or episodes into your board if you are sharing a day.

If a user creates a new strip on Board A, it will appear in all the other Board’s boneyards and from there you can move it to your stripboard - or leave it in the boneyard.

Never have out-of-date elements, since everything syncs in real time on your board as the other 1st AD edits their strips, elements, and breakdown sheets.

Have your 2nd AD clean up the background numbers, the D/N breakdown or the page counts based on the script supervisors report.

Our split panel view option also allows more flexibility in how you work - and each user is able to control their own view. For example, view your stripboard and breakdown sheets at the same time, editing elements as you create days and schedule the show.

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