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Day out of Days (DooDs)

Your active working Day out of Days View (DooD) can be found in the panel drop-down menu.

While working in the DooDs view, any element category (e.g cast, background, props) can be selected via the menu to view a DooD reports.

Once a category is selected, you can further filter by either specific elements or by episode (for TV files) via the appropriate drop-downs. You can also select a specific date (calendar dates) or shooting day (D1-D7) range via that drop-down.

To see the Work Status Legend, click the small info icon in the top right of the DooDs panel.

To view the Totals for each element, scroll to the right.

  • For example, for the cast elements, the totals show the number of days working, held, on holiday, traveling, in fittings, in school, in rehearsal, and in camera testing, as well as their first and last days and their total number of days with the production.
Note: The DooDs is only a view - to edit the information within the chart, you must adjust the individual element via the Events Manager, Breakdown Sheets, or Stripboard.
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